Clever Dripper
This method may seem more like a pour-over method, but it is actually a combination of filter and immersion. With the valve at the bottom, you completely submerge the ground coffee particles in water so that the extraction can take place. When it’s ready, you open the valve and the coffee is filtered. The grind size for this method is medium-coarse.
Below, we show how you can brew Clever Dripper either with utensils found in every kitchen, or top notch tools for home barista pros.
What you need:
Clever Dripper coffee maker
Decanter / jug
Clever filter
Medium-coarse ground coffee
Hot water
Cup / mug
What you can add:
– Ratio 1/16 of coffee / water: 21 grams of coffee and 336 grams of hot water (at 96 C).
– Medium-coarse grinding.
– Brewing time: 02:30 minutes.
Step 1
Boil the water and let it steep for 60-70 seconds.
If you have a thermometer, measure until the water reaches 96 degrees.
Step 2
Place the filter paper for Clever on the coffee pot and pour in some of the hot water to preheat the container and remove unwanted paper flavors. Remove the water.
Step 3
If you use ground coffee, use 4 tablespoons. If you have a scale, weigh 21 grams of coffee and grind it medium-coarse.
Step 4
Pour the coffee onto the filter paper. Give the coffee pot a slight shake so the coffee settles evenly.
Step 5
Time 00:00 – 01:00
Add the corresponding amount of water (336 ml). No special water pouring or blooming is required * – the goal here is to fully submerge all coffee grounds.
Start the brew timer and put the lid on your Clever Dripper to help keep the temperature.
Let it rest until the timer reads 1 minute.
* Blooming: It is the process in coffee brewing in which the gasses from the coffee are released as the water hits the grinds. It causes the grinds to grow & rise. The CO2 that is inside the bean is purged out and replaced with the water and begins the brewing / extraction process.
Step 6
Time 01:00 – 02:30
One minute after pouring, stir the water to make sure all the beans are completely submerged, and to break up any “crust” of grounds floating on top of the coffee.No vigorous stirring is necessary.
After two and a half minutes, take your Clever Dripper off the scale and place it on a cup or mug. The coffee will drip through the filter to the mug leaving the grounds on the top. This process should take between 30 and 45 seconds, and voila!